brendakirkley: Togetherness is a Thing
Budscha: i am watching you
Budscha: lunch time
Klaus Eisner: Biene im Anflug auf Blüte
Yannick Adonel: chrysomeles-- en nombre !
baechli58: Swallowtail
Seeadler1967: Hecken-Wollafter
Ruby 2417: Western Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
h_h_tsung: 2024-04-27_046
h_h_tsung: 2024-03-24_056
HemiDj7: Piano Key
francois reitz: abeille (et mouche) sur myosotis
baechli58: Swallowtail
José Delamano García: Polyommatus icarus (19)
CG817: Bzzzz
arkansas traveler: IMG_7588 V is for Va Va Voom 7-19-15
sileneandrade10: Flores Silvestres - Wild Flowers
HemiDj7: Madiera Longwing
donovan_terry: Little bee explores lupine
markbrucker: Gastropod on the flower stem.
malioli: Red & Green
George Kurzik: Golden Longwing
fotomie2009 #NoWar: lunghe antenne
markbrucker: Sweat bee on hawthorn flowers.
arkansas traveler: IMG_7380 In Their Condo Units 10-5-13
bratispixl: DSC_0220 blue center point
Seppi49: Rhododendren im Garten/Rhododendrons in the garden
Henrik Gyurkovics: Prosena siberita m. 6683
mlbeirnaert: Photobombed ! Old World Swallowtail / Machaon