Matthew Huntbach: Morning Exercises and Flowers
Matthew Huntbach: Beijing South Cathedral Eastertide Altar
Matthew Huntbach: Double Arch
Matthew Huntbach: Grey Wall
Matthew Huntbach: Beijing Tree and Grafitti
Matthew Huntbach: Beijing Red Roses (2)
JohnMawer: Autumn Depicting House - The Summer Palace
JohnMawer: Tower of Fragrance of the Buddha
JohnMawer: Tiny statues of Buddha covering the walls of the Hall of the Sea of Wisdom
JohnMawer: Hall of the Sea of Wisdon
JohnMawer: Figures guarding the roof ridges
JohnMawer: Looking down on ornate stupa and other buildings.
JohnMawer: Highly decorated eaves
JohnMawer: Hillside with tiers of halls, temples and stupas.
JohnMawer: Hillside with tiers of halls, temples and stupas.
JohnMawer: East Palace Gate entrance to the Summer Palace
bingjiefu: Rifleman
jeanmichelchuiche: Pékin (Beijing) 北京 Le Palais d'été 颐和园
jeanmichelchuiche: Pékin (Beijing) 北京 Le Palais d'été 颐和园
jeanmichelchuiche: Pékin (Beijing) 北京 Le Palais d'été 颐和园 十七孔桥
Matthew Huntbach: Beihai Conifer
Matthew Huntbach: Clothes on Line
jeanmichelchuiche: Pékin (Beijing) 北京 Le Palais d'été 颐和园 le pont 十七孔桥 l'île du sud 南湖岛
jeanmichelchuiche: Pékin (Beijing) 北京 Yonghegong 雍和宫 Lama Temple
jeanmichelchuiche: Pékin (Beijing) 北京 Yonghegong 雍和宫 Lama Temple
jeanmichelchuiche: Pékin (Beijing) 北京 Yonghegong 雍和宫 Lama Temple
jeanmichelchuiche: Pékin (Beijing) 北京 Yonghegong 雍和宫 Lama Temple
jeanmichelchuiche: Pékin (Beijing) 北京 Yonghegong 雍和宫 Lama Temple
jeanmichelchuiche: Pékin (Beijing) 北京 Yonghegong 雍和宫 Lama Temple