Gerry Orkin: Cape Town
disqueliu: A disabled old man playing the sheng on the pavement in the city centre
andrealinss: In Gedenken zum 13. Todestag von Oury Jalloh...
andrealinss: In Gedenken zum 13. Todestag von Oury Jalloh...
Vadim Marmer: Vaisakhi
gianni358: Zagabria (Croazia), via Kaptol, Esterno della Chiesa di S. Francesco d'Assisi - Zagreb (Croatia), Kaptol street, exterior of St. Francis of Assisi's Church.
keycmndr (aka CyberShutterbug): Photographing The Shrub
johnaalex: Bourbon Street
BrianGiorgio: Man fishing
New Delhices: Waiting for food.....
Alan Bg: Anti Anti
oknksrr: _DSC1913
markoskyprianos: _DSF1688
ojh98: Shopping in Melaka, Malaysia.
Agha Asif Ali: Charms of Venice.
MilanCvetanovic: Biker for life
MMR Dad: Furlough You!
JJ.BT: en lutte
PattayaPatrol: DSC_2098: a woman standing in front of a counter filled with bottles
dprezat: Remise des Grand Prix de la Baguette de Tradition Française
Santi L.: Goyescas
Douguerreotype: Splashing Out
Salai i: The revenge of the photographed
Vadim Marmer: Berlin
photolenvol: Camping pro-Palestine,