monique callens: dat komt hier zomaar aangerold, recht uit een schilderij van Escher
.^.Blanksy: I wanted to follow you but I can't chase the moon into the sky
Tim Noonan: The Portal
franzisko hauser: Structured Landscape Painting -3-
Tancrede Chaton: Révérence
ber52: Guitar used by Waking Masses (Solo musician)
paco.weaving: Quintessential Café
amarcord108: On The Beach in the Multiverse
The World As We Know It: The tea garden
nicole le roy91: Feeding of the Common cuckoo by a couple of Dunnocks
DayTripper (Tom): The Desolation of Man
Kim Simonsen1: Slices of life #10
... sometimes on, sometimes off ...: Water always finds a way .....
franzisko hauser: Alentejo -3-
misamass: Dernière promenade à Munich
De carrusel: The colors of dawn.
Mark Noack: street scene...
Vita es Splendor: small street
peterschmidt2711: Aglais io
The World As We Know It: The tea garden
Lato-Pictures: Winter Dream
fotograms with Pharaoh: I finished this oil painting so I can donate it to the Church Rummage sale hoping someone who loves Art but is not able to afford it has access to an original oil painting. I hope you enjoy seeing it
Lucas C Macedo: Blooming in the Fog
ber52: Horse
brillianthues: Cosmic Awareness
The World As We Know It: Humanoid model beyond the Andromeda Nebula
franzisko hauser: In the Alentejo...
gandt7777: So Many Lines